Saturday, January 14, 2012

my best friend

hello ? my mom says she is putting me on er blog? i'm wondering what it is?

 i'm  freezing too! I dislikes the cold so that makes two of us -
suggled under the covers and I watch mom on the computer...

1 comment:

  1. We tried to get pregnant for a few years in a local clinic. There were no results. We've tried everything possible but nothing. We were recommended to use donor eggs. I know we have to try herbal medicine. I was terrified. I didn't know how to go about it and where to begin my search. When my friend recommended Dr Itua herbal medicine in Western Africa. I thought she was joking. I knew nothing about that country and I was afraid with shame. I must say I thought it was a little bit...wild? Anyway she convinced me to at least check it out. I've done the research and thought that maybe this really is a good idea. Dr Itua has reasonable prices. Also it has high rates of successful treatments. Plus it uses Natural Herbs. Well I should say I was convinced. My Husband gave it a try and now we can say it was the best decision in our lives. We were trying for so long to have a child and suddenly it all looked so simple. The doctors and staff were so confident and hopeful they projected those feelings on me too. I am so happy to be a mother and eternally thankful to Dr Itua and Lori My Dear Friend. Don’t be afraid and just do it! Try Dr itua herbal medicine today and sees different in every situation.Dr Itua Contact Info...Web Dr Itua have cure for the following diseases.All types of cancer,Liver/Kidney inflammatory,Myeloma,Fibroid,Infertility.Herpes Virus Hiv/Aids, ALS, Parkinson, Hepatitis,Diabetes..
